If you want to remain ignorant to the REAL problems in the world and learn the differnce between "reality" and "belief systems", and you will see you had spent much of you life living in a "belief system" and not "reality".

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What am I ? And where am I at ?

The question is what are you?
Do you know? I bet you dont..
I bet you *think* you know what you are.
Thinking and Knowing are two totally different words with different meanings.
they are simmilar but definately not the SAME.

Most people assume that god created our world and all the biblical stories written in the bible.
in a round about sense they are right but they feel GOD is like a being that comes here and
passes judgement and creates life.
GOD is an entity but not like you.
It is you.
and its your relatives.
and your dogs or other creatures you have.
its your tea kettle.
its your feces.
its your air you breath.
its the Earth,Moon and stars above and outward.
its your thoughts good and bad.
It is literally everything compose into one creature just like all your blood cells and tissues are living,
thinking,feeling organisms that all have thier own mentallity and they do react to emotional stimulis
that is processed in your brain and directed by your mind.
but you just feel your conscience as one.
so GOD  feels pain like if your nerves are telling your brain there is a problem. your aware of it.
but you do not see the white blood cells attacking virus inside your body or watch a bone mend from
inside your body. we just do what we can to help when we feel pain.
so there is many life forms that share conscience with us and that would be all things on planet earth.
including inorganic matter.
Wait.....Rocks are alive ?
Crystals GROW. elements/matter actually move and bind together and they do grow by themselves.
in a specific pattern much like a tree but just alot slower.
and they have to have some form of DNA or blueprint to form a pattern just like everything else does
in life. thus proving they are alive its just a different type of conscienceness.

You are not just your body, your spirit is actually you.
Your body is just your means of allowing you to do business in the material world, just like your strawman
or corporation lets you control of money.
It stores memories and information in the brain. much like the hard drive in your computer.
computers and networking are almost perfectly modeled after the human brain and mind.
but i will post a whole new thread on that subject.


What are you getting @ ?
What does all this prove?

All our cells keep us running and healthy for the most part.
they work together for the greater good and that is preservation of the host body.
even when they each have thier own mind.
just like all the creatures on the planet are to care for the earth.
just like you could not sit there with calcium and fix your bone its impractical.
and we are here solely to live and grow and to make sure the planet lives and grows too.

What do they call it when your cells in your body just forget about thier job and do what they want?
Its called cancer....

we have not been very good to our planet have we?
seems like we are the cancer...how do you CURE cancer?
not radiation or chemo therapy.
to cure cancer is just to make sure the other cells do thier job or destroy/remove the rogue cell tissues.

First to identify the cancer cells, and they usually are judges , polititions , queens and virtually every member
of power has in common?
THE New world Order .......No they could not operate they are too few people.
The Illuminatti....No the same reason
That Pig Fucker DAVID ROCKAFELLER......No

Yes all these and include your Church and your fire department and your court system.
what do they all share?

FREEMASONRY there is the answer...?
Not really. we just identified the problem area.
I am a gnostic just like freemasons and most of the info I had learned was from the freemasons.
but I would never become a freemason.
what are the benefits of freemasonry?
having your career soar is you kiss ass.
being almost above the law , not being harassed by the police.
opening a business freemasons will make sure they help you..
Why are they bad?
Because they are secretive and they lie.
I know it might not seem bad but the control it gives the powers that be is immense.
they dont have to control every aspect of life just the Legal system and law enforcement and
the media like TV ,Newspapers , and Hollywood they have planned all this out everytime a
new area of technology or company the freemasons will send a few of their best into
a company clim up to management, then hire a few others
to help them and then after they do that they will only hire masons as managment in the company.
so they can control a huge corporation like Walmart for example have a few well educated  masons
make it to upper management then hire thier loyal little bitches to run the bulk of the company
as middle management.
I can go on about Freemasons for hours if not Days and it is very important to learn about Freemasons
because they are cowards, that why they are secret.
just like cockroaches turn on the light and they scatter and run.

They know if this gets out. the public will problably kill them all
thats why they dont snitch on each other they are just as guilty.
There best trick is they give you some real information to get you to trust them,
then they lure you down a dark alley.

But if I got your interest keep reading posts, the main reason I made this sight is people ask me
why do you hate OBAMA?
because he works for the same people that the Bushes and the Clintons worked for.

But go ahead and post just dont argue with me until you have researched the facts,
but all questions are welcomed .

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